Tag: <span>tips for students</span>

18 Aug

5 Tips to Find the Best Online MBA Program

Masters in Business Administration is one of the most popular courses in brick and mortar as well as online colleges. Almost every online university offers this course. That is all the more reason why you should be careful in picking the right university for completing your degree. The wrong choice could waste your time and money and not provide any value either.


With a lot of students wanting get an MBA and add more security to their careers, a lot of colleges are out there to trick them. Not only is the course expensive, but it is also a good source of income for colleges, given the influx every year. That is why you must ensure that the college you are applying to, has an accreditation from recognised institutions and that the degree they offer is valid. Without checking for this accreditation it would be unwise to enrol for any online course for that matter.


If an online course has lot of students enrolled supporting all the students could prove difficult. Support could involve addressing students’ questions and concerns, providing face time with the tutors and offering a mentor to provide career advice. Without this support, it would be very hard to complete Master’s in Business Administration, as it will prove really difficult. So the course you are enrolling in must offer support, with the teacher student ratio being as high as possible, preferably around 10 – 15 students per tutor.

Learning management system

If an online university doesn’t give you the benefits of a learning management system, there is no point enrolling in that college. A learning management system is more like a common platform for all the students, a website where every student has a login profile to get all the information related to their courses including timetable for exams, lesson schedules, online teaching material shared, downloads available if any etc.

Opportunity for internships

It would be unwise to think you will be able to think your Master’s in a field like business administration online entirely. The university should be reputed enough and have associations with top companies so that students of MBA programs can get a chance to complete projects and internships and learn more about the industry, adding to their learning experience. If the brand of the university couldn’t find your seniors decent internships or projects, chances are that the program is not highly valued in the industry and it is best to not enroll for it. The same holds for the opportunity of jobs when you complete education. Talking to past students will always provide sufficient information in this regards.


This is one factor that holds good not only for MBA but for all online courses. Unless you get the flexibility, online programs cannot be ruled a better option than joining full time college. This flexibility is possible through recorded lectures, good content, chat sessions with tutors etc. allowing those with a day time job to do justice to their course and education.

Source by John Jee

31 Jul

ESL Teachers’ Guide to Teach Business English Communication Skills to Students

English is the global business language of the day. Many schools, colleges and universities are all offering English teaching for students and business professionals. With the growing demand for English, many ESL teachers are also trained to meet the global demand of ESL training needs.

For example, in many Asian and African countries, the English language is being taught as the Second or Third Language. Also, there are many varieties of English given the mother-tongue influences in countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand, India, Brunei, Australia and Canada. As an ESL teacher, you will find that this ESL teaching guide provides you with a quick checklist of tips, helping you to make your ESL classes fun and easy for foreign students.

1) Understand Your ESL Students:

Basically, you will have two types of students – school students and corporate clients. ESL school students are those who do not have English as the mother tongue. They need help with Basic English grammar as well as Advanced English conversation for daily living. Corporate business clients are those managers and employees who need to polish their English in an ESL class for effective global business communication. By understanding your ESL students, you will be able to design teaching strategies that address their specific needs.

2) Break The Ice:

Breaking the silence in the first 10 minutes of each ESL class is essential for success. Most ESL students are very shy to speak and write anything in English. With a positive and supportive learning environment, you will be able to encourage them to try speaking and writing in English every day. To break the ice, you will need to make the first 10 minutes the most fun and relaxing for your students to open up themselves and speak English freely through mini games and exercises. Invent fun games for them to introduce each other, tell funny stories, or explain something in English.

3) Create Interactive Activities:

English learning should not be boring. Make your classes fun and interactive for all your ESL students. Then, they will be interested in learning and will become engaged throughout the lessons. Organize learning activities that keep your ESL students involved and will enable them to learn from each other. Ask their opinions and suggestions on new topics. Discuss problems and challenges that they encounter in English speaking and writing. Integrate seasonal events (e.g. New Year, Thanksgiving and Christmas) as part of your teaching curriculum.

4) Focus on Communication Skills:

If there is one thing you can teach ESL students, it’s to focus on their communication skills. This means helping them to improve daily conversations with others, to polish their telephone manners and to polish their writing style. With telephone conversations, ESL students will have no visual clues so it is important to speak clearly and slowly. When in doubt, they should always ask a question to clarify and confirm what they intend to say. With written communication, ESL students just need to practice writing something or anything every day from a simple note, a letter, an invitation or email message to a full essay or report assignment. Teach them the right choice of words and phrases to minimize confusion for others. Practice speaking in front of a mirror every morning and night.

5) Work on Vocabulary:

Very often, ESL students cannot communicate well due to their lack of proper vocabulary. Then, without the right words, they face social and cultural barriers to communicate effectively in different situations. Help your students to build their vocabulary using different teaching aids. Create flash cards. Build digital folders. Use some of the latest games and apps in mobile devices. Focus on what kind of vocabularies will help them communicate well in school or business settings. In some cases, English words have different meanings for different cultures and situations and so it’s your job as an ESL teacher to clarify and explain how to use those words in detail.

6) Practice with Role Plays:

The best way to learn is through real life situations. In your classroom, you can always use role play exercises to create situations that mimic how ESL students should speak and respond to others. For example, you can have different scenarios from ordering fast food and dining in a fancy restaurant to having a job interviews and speaking to a customer. This way your ESL students will learn how to observe, listen and respond in various situations.

7) Teach Social and Business Etiquette:

Helping your ESL students to be effective communicators means teaching them social and business etiquette as well. This means teaching them manners, politeness, social norms, business customs and cultural cues. ESL students will need to learn how to communicate with proper words and manners from casual to formal settings. More importantly, you can teach ESL students both verbal and non-verbal communication techniques and skills. For example, how make good eye contact, shake hands, greet people, and express themselves through their facial expression and body gestures.

8) Provide Constructive Feedback:

Anyone can give an opinion or feedback, but you as an ESL teacher will need to provide the most positive and constructive feedback to your ESL students. They have to feel encouraged and supported, to continue learning and improving their English. Learning a new language like English is difficult for some because their own mother tongue may have a very different language structure and linguistic sound. Your positive attitude will translate into their positive mindset for English learning. Provide specific examples and tips to help them understand what is right or wrong to speak and write every day.

With these eight ESL teaching strategies and techniques above, you will become a very efficient and effective ESL teacher who is liked by all your ESL students. Even though there is a quiz, a test or a grade on paper, your ESL students will only remember what they have experienced and how they felt in each ESL class. You are there to provide a positive, supportive and constructive learning environment with no judgment, but only opportunities to learn and grow as individuals. Be proud of yourself.

Source by Dr. Vivian W. Lee

10 Jul

Top 10 Study Tips For University Success

While it may be true that not everyone learns in the most effective way by doing the same things, there are certain fundamentals that you can follow in order to virtually guarantee yourself academic success during your time at University. No matter what degree you take or what College you’re enrolled in, University classes are all structured in similar ways. Lectures, text book readings, assignments, projects, quizzes, midterm and final exams. Knowing the format of the class beforehand allows students to create a strategy that when implemented and stuck to, results in good grades and less stress. Here are our top 10 study habits you should try to implement into your strategy for academic success at University!

#10 – Take Extensive Notes

Probably the most tedious of our top 10, taking good notes is hard to do consistently. In our ADHD world, many students find it difficult to maintain their focus long enough to record the information given out during lectures. However, when it comes time to write a quiz/test/exam you’ll be glad you have that pile of notes to review and refresh your brain with. Taking good notes is in itself an act of learning, as one cannot write something down that doesn’t make sense on some level. This small act goes a long way in creating the foundation for a solid understanding of the material being covered. Taking notes also has the added bonus of keeping your brain occupied and awake by staving off restlessness and boredom. An excellent method I learned in my first year of Engineering was to scribble down everything that seemed useful in some manner, almost as if you were transcribing the lecture. Later that day, transfer and rewrite the notes into an understandable form in another notebook. This will cement the information into your mind, moving the material from your short term memory into your long term. Lastly, notes have become a source of income for many students as those who take excellent notes are often sought after by the lazier students who are willing to pay a premium for a great set of notes to study from. You will not only get good grades, but you will be getting paid to do so as well. If that’s not a win-win I don’t know what is!

#9 – Obtain Old Exams and Assignments

If possible, try to find exams and assignments from previous years to give yourself a good idea of what subject matter the instructors are most likely to test you on. They don’t have to have the answers to be useful and in fact for many students they are even more useful without because this way the student can attempt the exam/assignment as a check of their knowledge, identifying any weak areas that they should go back and re-study. Old exams and assignments are often made available through class websites, student union websites, or through College clubs or associations. One common tactic many students use for science classes with a lab section is to find a graded lab notebook from a previous year. Labs are notoriously difficult in terms of time constraints and for what’s expected from a student lab report. Having a format to follow along with is an incredible help and knowing where not to make mistakes is invaluable as well.

#8 – Begin Studying For Exams EARLY

Between academics and your social life, time is not something you’ll have lots of throughout your University career. But one thing you should always make time for is exam studying. There’s nothing worse than leaving all of your studying for the night before an important test or exam. The stress causes your brain to panic and when you panic, you won’t learn as well as you normally would. Studying a little bit each night during the week leading up to the exam will not only make you better prepared but it will remove most of the stress you’d have if you had left your studying for the last minute. Early exam studying allows a student to identify weak spots in their understanding and to prioritize their studying accordingly. Just imagine studying until the early morning of the day of your exam only to find you’ve completely ignored a section that you have little to no understanding in. Don’t let that happen by studying EARLY!

#7 – Use a Laptop During Class If Possible

If permitted, use a laptop for note-taking during your lectures. Most students can type faster than they can write so they will be able to record much more information than they normally would. If the classroom has WiFi you’ll have the added ability to research topics you’re unsure of during lulls or breaks in the lecture. If a professor uses a word you’ve never heard before, just alt-tab over to dictionary.com and look it up! Or, if the lecture is completely flying over your head, e-mail the professor from your seat and set up an appointment to discuss the day’s lecture. There are many uses for a laptop during class, I’ll let you imagine the other not-so-academic uses. Many students have grown up with a computer being a staple in their lives so it’s only natural to use it as a tool for learning as well. It’s an easy transition for your brain to go from Facebook to Powerpoint! If a laptop purchase is in your future, refer to our article for tips on choosing a budget laptop for students.

#6 – Use Your Time Wisely

In between classes as well as before and after school, there are many opportunities to sneak in some studying or homework that many students either don’t realize or just don’t use. I’ve known people who would study on the bus during the ride to and from school. I’ve also known people that would combine their time at the gym with their study time! Just bring your notes and instead of watching the TV’s and listening to your iPod, wear ear plugs and read your notes. You get a workout for your body and for your brain! Always keep your notes handy and try to use any spare time you have even for simple review to make sure you’re on top of the material. All of those small moments you fill with studying will really add up to a solid understanding and you’ll find that you require less studying when exam time arrives. That’s huge.

#5 – Get Your Questions Resolved ASAP!

University classes tend to operate with the “snowball effect” as the primary method for topic progression. That is, the information is cumulative and the last stuff you learned will be instrumental in understanding the next stuff! So anytime you don’t understand something or have a question about the subject matter, get your question answered as soon as you can. Whether by asking during or after class, through an e-mail or phone call to the prof, or even by asking a fellow student, you need to stay on top of the subject matter in order to be ready for the next stuff that’s coming. Don’t let the holes in your understanding be knowledge pits for the future!

#4 – Get To Know Some of Your Classmates

This one can be extremely difficult and stressful for many people these days. Meeting people is becoming increasingly difficult in a world of social stigmas and fears of disapproval. I’m not going to tell you how to meet people, just that when you do, the benefits will be immediately apparent. Having a buddy to sit with during class, having someone to lean on for notes from a lecture that you missed, being able to bounce questions and ideas off of somebody, and most importantly having someone to check your assignment answers with before you hand it in, are all spectacular reasons to swallow your nerves and start saying “Hi! My name is….” to the people in your class.

#3 – Explore Other Class Resources

Many class outlines will have “optional” reading listed along with the required textbook. This is often a HUGE opportunity for easy marks and guaranteed success in the particular class. Professors are humans just like me and you. Their job is to relay the required material and then test you on it. If they’re using the required textbook as reference for the learning part, where do you think they’re going to get the material for the testing part? If you said “the required textbook”, you’re wrong and you need to stop thinking like a high school student! Professors will often take test questions out of their favorite textbooks, resulting in quality assessments from a trusted source. Those favorite textbooks are often listed as optional reading material either on the class website or on the course outline. Also don’t forget the mighty Internet. YouTube is an insane resource for How-to’s, recorded lectures from other schools, and general knowledge videos on every subject matter imaginable. Use Wikipedia and Google as well to find extra(often better!) resources on whatever it is that you’re struggling with.

#2 – Pre-Read Lecture Material

I discovered this one by accident, even if it is, or should be common sense. One night I was bored. Really bored. I grabbed a text book for a class whose lecture I had the next morning and I began reading from the point we stopped at in the previous lecture. It was difficult to understand and took a lot of focus to push through it but the next day in class while listening to the Professor, it crystallized in my mind and was easy from then on. It had the added benefit of being committed to my long term memory giving me a greater and more thorough understanding of the material. It makes sense if you think about it, I was essentially learning the material twice. Once independently and once with the help of an expert. These combined into a solid understanding that I still possess to this day. Now I’d love to suggest that you do this for every class, every night. But we all know that isn’t reasonable so what I do suggest is that you use this technique for anything that you deem to be very difficult or abstract. That way you’ll have a great head start on understanding and mastering the hard stuff, leaving plenty of time for filling in the gaps with the easy stuff!

#1 – Go To Class!

While going to class sounds too simple to be our #1 most effective studying habit, it truly is and I’ll tell you why. Going to class not only keeps you disciplined and focused on what you’re at University to do, but it also lets you absorb the subject matter simply by sitting through the lectures. If you’re an auditory learner this is huge because just listening to the lectures will create an understanding that should be enough to pass the class in itself! If you’re a visual learner then watching the notes being written on the board or reading through the slides during the presentation will give you the necessary understanding to pass the class. Going to class also ensures you have the latest news on assignments, tests, quizzes, and exams straight from your Professor’s mouth. You don’t want to be that student that shows up for class once a week only to find there’s a scheduled test on that day! Simply going to your classes like you’re supposed to is much more powerful than most students realize. If you look at the nine tips before this you’ll see that most of them actually require this step as a pre-requisite so that should also be an indicator of how important it is to attend your classes without fail.

As a student who has both failed classes and received honors in classes I can definitely say that the above tips and techniques will work for you. Whether you use some or all of them is up to you, but just remember that University is an individual sport and you’ll only get out of it what you’re willing to put in! I hope you’ve found these tips useful and informative, good luck and stay classy!

Source by Jamie Storm

16 Jun

Career Guidance Tips For Teachers

It may seem like a long time ago since you took up that one subject in Guidance and Counseling in college but waver not! There’s no need to take a refresher course for you to effectively guide your students towards the most rewarding career paths for them.

  1. Be an example of happiness and contentment. The only competition that can give financial rewards a run for its money is happiness. Remind your students everyday that career is not an issue of immediate monetary returns but of enduring returns. Seeing you smiling despite the stress of your work (and the delayed salary if you will) will inspire them to choose careers they will enjoy in the long run. It will also show them how, even if industry demands change, who they are and what gives them joy will remain rock-steady.
  2. Encourage self-reflection and self-discovery. With all the diversions and recreation students have, taking time off to think and reflect might be the last thing on their to-do list. You can help them by giving them a few minutes at homeroom to ponder on some questions like: “What do I like best about myself?” or “What do I want to do for the next five years?” If this seems too serious, use games like Icebreaker or Query.
  3. Let them express their plans and dreams. Many students, when asked what they want to do in life, just shrug and say, “I don’t know.” Perhaps they don’t, perhaps they do but haven’t really thought about it. Allowing them to express their dreams-no matter how far-out-promotes the value of thinking ahead and the skill of planning. Ask them to create an image of who they will be ten years from now and to write about what they have accomplished within ten years. This way, it will seem like they have already achieved what they desire.
  4. Commend a student’s strengths to him and to his peers. Giving praise where it is due certainly makes a difference. Notice the smallest victories in any field or aspect of life. Did someone submit an exceptional drawing or essay? Made friends with everyone? Fixed a broken chair? Receiving positive remarks about his/her output or attitude boosts self-esteem and encourages a student to pursue his/her best attributes. Making a student’s peers see your sign of approval makes them appreciate the person’s worth, creating a community where students are not forced to see academics as the only standard of worth.
  5. Introduce them to a variety of successful people. Provide them with role models of passion and good career choice, be it a college graduate or a high school dropout. It is common fare for students to meet college graduate bigwigs in their lessons. There are many of them after all as if to prove that college is the only way out of poverty. What is difficult is to convince people that college is not for everyone and is not the only option. If you namedrop successful celebrities and tycoons who didn’t go to college, they just might rethink the entire thing.
  6. Talk about a student’s best qualities and possible options to his/her parents. Hearing of their child’s passion and perseverance in something never fails to make parents proud of their children. Hearing of the best qualities of their child from a teacher enhances their understanding of their child and makes them more open to options other than theirs. Inform them of possibilities for their child and emphasize long-term rewards over immediate gains. For those students who are not apt for college education, dwell on the positive traits of the student so that parents will see the benefits of alternative options like technical-vocational careers.
  7. Organize a simple education and career directory. Because of the unavailability of organized information on education and career options, make a simple one for your homeroom class. You can put a simple list of college courses and technical-vocational specializations and their corresponding job or industry requirements. At the bottom of the list, include contact numbers for some colleges or universities and institutions that offer technical-vocational programs. You may also include local bureau or government agency hotlines.

Source by Christine Gapuz

17 May

5 Lesson Planning Tips on How to Use Technology Successfully in Your Classroom

The signs of technological revolution are everywhere – kids with their cells and iPods; teachers with their laptops, digital presentations, and parents and teachers and kids with their blackberries. The possibilities of course, are endless…

Since we are teachers working in a digital age, we also need to think a bit more digitally in both the user and learner sense of the word. This can be challenging especially if you are used to working (and thinking) in a certain way.

In an ideal media based lesson, we use technology to cater to motivation and (media) literacy. And like a regular pen and paper lesson, we still need to think how to engage students while we also monitor their behavior on-task as well as measure their progress and achievement.

While it’s impossible to always keep up with all the new technological classroom trends, there are certain lesson planning basics teachers need even before they know what they are going to teach. Here are five suggestions for planning a successful media-based lesson.

Tip 1. Start small. While there are endless possibilities on how to engage students, we also need to feel comfortable with whatever digital technological media we are using.

Stick to the technological type that best suits you and your personality and your students’ learning needs. However, If you are obligated by your school to use a Smartboard, accept your destiny peacefully for the time being and learn from the experiences.

Tip 2. Here’s an important but tricky tip… LEARN the new technology as often as possible. As you do, get into the heads of your students by critically evaluate the products. Anticipate any problems your students and yourself might encounter and quickly write them down. Ask other teachers how they cope. There’s nothing better than making an informed decision.

Tip 3. Plan Your Lesson.

Here are just a few suggestions to help you plan a digitally mediated lesson.

What might be hard for them to understand/cope with/manage? Easy?

How can you pace the material using differentiated instruction techniques?

When might a student go off task?

How do you mediate the technology before, during and after students have worked?

How will they get instructions?

What do you expect students to learn by the end of the lesson(s)?

How will you assess their work?

How many lessons will you use this product?

How much practice time will students have?

Will students work separately, in pairs or in groups? If necessary, use a seating chart to help you neutralize group dynamics.

Tip 4. Get Help and Support. If you plan to start using the new technological product or resource soon, have a mentor or techie expert or coach walk you through. Learn bit by bits (either on your own or with a partner) to avoid stress and being overwhelmed.

Tip 5. Think organized. Every well-planned digital lesson has its flop. No internet connection, slow computers, not enough computers, no tech support. Hot classrooms.. any issue can be a potential problem. Try to minimize the number of these annoying issues, by making sure your lesson is running as smoothly as possible.

1. Reserve the computer room in advance (if needed)

2. Make sure the equipment is in running order.

3. Make sure you have enough computers. Use a seating chart to configure seating arrangements.

4. Make sure you have Plan B and even Plan C. This might be using worksheets, or working strictly from WORD. Have also a support plan for difficult and challenging students and situations.

Don’t assume that because kids think digitally, your lesson will be smooth. Kids need to be instructed thoughtfully on exactly what you expect them to know and do. Keep learning the new technologies and plan successfully, and your students will be more engaged.

Source by Dorit Sasson

17 Apr

Online Education – 5 Tips To Learn Fast and Effective

Learning environment in online education can be totally difference than the traditional way of learning in the classroom. If you want to be a successful online student, you need to learn the fast and effective online learning skills. Below are very useful tips to help you learn fast and effective in online learning environment.

Tip #1: Convert Text To Audio Format

Most learning materials of online education involve text materials. Although more and more online learning materials come in video and audio formats, majority are still in text format. You may download the document or read them directly via browser. For students who prefer to hear lecture than reading lecture notes in written format, learning from text materials can be a real challenge. Fortunately, there are software and tools that you can use to convert the texts into audio format and save it as MP3 file. With the convenient of latest gadgets like mobile phones and mp3 players, you can play these audio files any time and any place you like. This will speed up your learning process while benefiting from the advantages of online education.

Tip #2: Read it and make notes

The effective learning skills don’t just involve reading, but you need to understand it and use it. The best way of learning a knowledge is by reading it and make the important notes. Then, you should review these notes from time to time to make sure you understand the contents. You can prepare the notes in small pieces of papers so that you can bring along and read it any time and at any place, for example like when you are waiting for bus, at train or while you are waiting for friend at cafe. If you have smart gadgets like iPad, iPhone or Galaxy Tab, you can make the notes in electronic format as well.

Tip #3: Join online forums and discussion groups

The best way to make sure you understand a topic or subject you have learned is by sharing it with others. In online education, you don’t have classmates that meet at the same time for discussion, but there will be online forums and discussion groups at the online schools that you can join and share the knowledge you have learned. Utilize the facilities and actively participate in the discussion sessions.

Tip #4: Blogging

Blogging is another effective way of learning. Create a blog related to the subject you have taken in online education. Once you have read a subject, try to write what you have learned to your blog. Get your blog connected to social networks so other online students or internet surfers are able to find your blog and give comments on the topics you have shared in your blog.

Tip #5: Relax and Refresh your brain and body

You will be able to absorb knowledge more efficiently if you have a fresh brain and relaxed body. So, don’t give too much pressure to yourself. Sometimes, you need to take a rest, go for an entertainment and do enough exercises to keep your body and mind at the best level to absorb new knowledge.


Online learning skills are required for a successful online students. The above five are among the tips to learn fast and effective in online learning environment.

Source by Julie Havert

18 Mar

Tips for Earning Medical Scholarships

The healthcare industry is booming. From nursing assistants to occupational therapists to doctors and emergency responders, there is a shortage of healthcare professionals. More and more students are answering the call to go to school for training and degrees in the medical field. One way that students can pay for this education is through medical scholarships. The field is competitive. For students trying to find a way to get ahead, here are some tips to consider when filling out applications for college scholarships.

Medical school, nursing programs and emergency medical technician training requires an affinity for science and an understanding of biology, chemistry and anatomy. While these things are all learned in specialized schooling, aspiring students should have strong grades in math and science. Health class is another factor where a student can excel and impress scholarship committees.

Test Scores
Most colleges and universities have a minimum level for college board test scores. While the mathematics and science portions should be high, the reading and verbal are also important. Those who can’t communicate well with others may be challenged when assessing a patient’s needs or communicating treatment to fellow medical team members.

Students with an interest in the medical field need to start building their resume early. Membership to the Red Cross club in high school, volunteering at the local hospital and taking elective classes geared toward health and science are helpful. Showing an interest in that career path can’t start too early. Grace under pressure and the ability to think on their feet are important qualities for would-be scholarship recipients.

One of the biggest mistakes that students make when applying for medical scholarships is that they fail to follow directions. Students not following the guidelines will be eclipsed by their competitors who do. Carefully read the questions and answers. Answer them carefully and fully. Don’t leave anything blank. When it comes to the essay, potential scholarship winners are those who express themselves clearly and honestly. Spelling and grammar do count. Guidelines for the number of words and subject matter are equally important. The most critical element to being in the running for an award is to meet the application deadline. Anything received late will not be considered. Most committees will not even look at a late application, viewing it as a sign of disorganization or lack of interest.

When applying for medical scholarships, students should take the time to fill them out fully and carefully. They should also apply for any and all grants and financial awards where they meet the basic requirements. It is possible to earn financial assistance from more than one source. It is also possible that none of them will come through. Planning ahead and providing all necessary information will help those interested in a healthcare career to earn the interest and awards from a college scholarship committee.

Source by Jeremy P Stanfords

16 Feb

New Teacher Tips on Dealing With Discipline Problems

Discipline problems is a fact of every new teacher’s life. The most important thing to remember is to avoid entering a panic mode and attempt to regain class control. Make the most of your time in the classroom by finding ways to deal with problems instead of becoming stressed by them. Discipline problems usually come as a threat to their ability to manage the classroom. But you as the new teacher there are a number of important ways to deal with discipline problems.

The first thing is to look at your lesson plan and incorporate the following tips:

1) Have a motivating lesson plan. Students usually act up when they are frustrated or bored. Keep the momentum in the classroom lively and energizing by providing engaging activities that the students will be motivated to do. The level of the activities should be challenging but no too difficult. If you are motivated to teach, your students will be too.

2) Have a back-up plan when activities do not go as planned. Some activities fall through for many reasons, and you’ll need some S.O.S. kits for those unpredictable moments.

3) Be flexible. Success with managing a classroom is dependent on how well you are adapt to new classroom situations as they pop up. Inevitably, new teachers need to think fast and change an activity or regroup students or deal with a problematic student after the lesson.

4) Keep updated on new methodologies and learning approaches and experiment with new activities. Some methodologies and approaches may not appeal to each and every class, and as a result, discipline problems may occur.

Practice these tips for preventing discipline problems and soon you’ll be making the most of your lesson planning and classroom management time, too.

Source by Dorit Sasson

17 Jan

Ten Important Classroom Management Tips and Strategies

By now, you have probably already learned that a good classroom management system is responsible for building a positive classroom climate. As a classroom manager, A good classroom manager knows that the benefit of using classroom management strategies can both stimulate and encourage learning.

Using Classroom Strategies for Improving Motivation

When consistently implemented, these strategies can enhance the quality of your own teaching. This can be done in a variety of ways:

– Always aim to model the desire behavior. – Modeling is important for setting the expectations of both behavior and learning procedures.

– Creating opportunities for personal contact with students. – This includes providing tutorials and positive reinforcement whenever needed.

– Taking the student seriously. Students sense when they are taken seriously by the little things a teacher does in the classroom. Teachers can communicate this in a variety of ways using positive reinforcement, communicating expectations, and motivating pep talks.

– Being supportive, encouraging, helpful and available.

– Sharing information and ideas with the students.

– Accepting students’ feelings especially regarding assignments and tests.

Classroom Management Procedures

Effective classroom managers can also use the following classroom management procedures for reinforcing their rules and procedures. Some classroom managers believe that sharing responsibility with students leads to cooperation and a positive classroom environment.

– Allow students to participate in rule setting. This strategy helps with developing their own responsibility as learners and managing their own classroom behavior.

– Allow students input into the daily schedule. This strategy helps them with organizing, prioritizing and planning content of the daily lesson as well as managing their work efforts and contributions to the lessons.

– Allow students to give input about assignments. This strategy helps them to become more aware of how they manipulate their learning.

– Allow students to select their own books to read. – This strategy has important implications for enhancing motivation.

– Allow students to plan and set goals for learning. Students can set two to three goals that they feel will help improve their learning such as handing in homework on time and improving their spelling.

– Allow the student to use self-evaluation procedures. Teachers can provide checklists and rubrics to encourage independent learning.

Building a positive classroom climate includes involving students in on classroom procedures and rules and treating them with respect. If you do these classroom procedures and strategies consistently, you’ll find that the quality of your teaching will shine. So what are you waiting for? Try it!

Source by Dorit Sasson

18 Dec

E-Book – Getting Better Grades

We all know that getting good grades in school, college or university is a big issue for almost every student. Students also have to face incredible competition in their academic life and getting good grades in such a good competition is an issue for almost every student. The main reason of not getting good grades is that students study harder, not smarter. They do study, but do not know the ways and tips to study well and smarter. Most of the students use to spend thousands of dollars every year on getting tuitions or useless study guides, but get very little benefit out of it. There are also a lot of students who cannot afford to pay fees to tutors and unable to spend on study guides. In both of the situations, what is there to combat all these issues? Of course there is an exceptional solution to these problems. Dr. Marc Dussault has recently introduced an E-Book “Get the Best Grades with the Least Amount of Effort” to solve all these problems.

This book not only helps you to get top grades, but also gives you an understanding on the way students should study. Here you will find excellent secrets to study speedily and cut your study time up to half with better results than ever. Here you will be guided through step by step ways to get desired results in your exams or tests. Get the in-depth knowledge of what are you getting in this all in one package below:

* You will discover different techniques to jump from your current grades to ones that will make you proud.
* The way to complete your homework faster than ever, and how to get ready for your tests or papers in a very short period.
* You will discover different ways to get A’s or B’s while maintaining your social life.
* You will also be taught on how to reduce or even eliminate bad study habits and get outstanding academic results.
* How to become a “Super Learner” whatsoever you are dull, illiterate, or don’t want to study with care.
* You will get a “5-Step System” which will help you in managing your social activities, academic tasks, family responsibilities, and any other pending tasks.
* The most important thing this Product offers is “Six excellent & powerful methods to remember everything that your teachers say in class”.
* Different techniques on improving your confidence and concentrating on studies.
* Techniques to keep difficult & hard to remember things in mind easily.
* How to get top position in exams every time.
* What to do when you are continuously getting bad grades despite of having too many efforts.
* You will also find a detailed discussion on ” Should students do their reading for all the subjects in one sitting or no”
* You will also discover “Seven Studying Shortcuts” to save your time incredibly without having any effect on results.

There are countless other benefits and tips that you will be finding in this all in one package to get good grades. Moreover, you will also receive some excellent bonuses with this package. A little detail about these bonuses is as follows:

Full Color MindMap of the Entire Book: You will be given an A4/8.5 x 11″ sheet containing all the tools, tips and techniques so that you can have an instant access to all the content of the book. You will also receive a detailed colored MindMap for each chapter up to 10 weeks.

A video to overcome Panic: You will get a video giving you 5 strategies to overcome panic attacks or stress that you normally face just before your exam.


What if you are not satisfied in any way with this invention? If this is the case simply return it within 60 days of purchase through email and get your money back with no questions asked. So, you are completely safe and your money is in your pocket, even after purchasing this product.


You might be thinking that this program would cost a lot as it is coming with excellent bonuses and 60 days money back guarantee, but in fact it costs nothing, the author has priced the entire downloadable digital package for $27 only, together with 60 days guarantee. This price is really nothing to get such a great product. This is what we normally spend in a normal day on us, so why can’t we spend to get a way to get excellent academic results. So, don’t think and just get for it right now. Write “Get the Best Grades with the Least Amount of Effort” on Google, and get it

Source by Nabeel Shaukat