Tag: <span>tips for students for managing stress</span>

28 Jul

Overcome the Threats of Stress

Today, we lead an increasingly stressful life. Some experts are of the opinion that a little stress can be good for you. A small dose of stress pushes the limits of an individual both physically and mentally and is sometimes crucial for achieving optimum performance. Stress induces a ‘fight or flight’ response in our body, which leads to the release of adrenaline into our blood stream.

For example, students sitting for an exam are often in the grip of a stress response and this helps them to focus and giving their best performance. However, as we all know, prolonged stress is very bad for the body. While a little stress enables us to meet deadlines, longer exposure to it might induce a heart attack or other major health crisis.

Stress is both a physical and psychological response. When the physical and mental demands on our body are more than what it can cope with, the body starts to show the symptoms of stress. The usual characteristics of this kind of a reaction are fatigue, insomnia, developing an irritable disposition, constant and nagging worrying and in some cases, depression.

The reasons for stress are many. They can be brought on by both work and personal situations. It has been observed that the increasing demands on today’s workforce have actually led to a loss of productivity over the past decade or so.

The 1997 National Study of the Changing Workforce (NSCW) noted that as compared to other industrialized countries, workers in America spend the most time at their place of work, which can lead to a host of family and job related conflicts.

Also, the threat of downsizing is everywhere; constantly worrying about job security has become a part of modern life. Work related stress impairs both work and family life.

On a more personal level, the loss of a loved one or a divorce can send people into depression. If you feel overwhelmed by the very task of leading your daily life, you are heading towards anxiety-induced disorders. Financial concerns related to your family, constantly worrying about your loved ones – all this leads to a very stressful life.

Stress is very harmful for our bodies. Some of the primary manifestations of this are fatigue and the impairment of our immune system. This makes us vulnerable to diseases like the flu and the common cold. This may be accompanied by insomnia and digestive disorders (like stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome and constipation).

People who usually suffer from stress are prone to an increase blood pressure and related problems. Long term and chronic stress is especially harmful for your heart. It can also contribute to the premature aging of your brain cells, leading to neurological damage.

There are supplements available that can help your body cope with a stressful state. Chief among them is Anxietol 7(TM), an all natural anti stress product from http://www.bodestore.com.

Anxietol 7 helps strengthen the body’s immune system and brings with it a healthy dose of anti-oxidants. It can be taken daily with a glass of water or juice. Always check with appropriate health professionals if you feel over come with stress. Adapt a multi-tiered approach of mediation, diet, supplements, counseling with professionals, and relaxing exercises like Yoga and Tai’ chi and you can beat the threats of stress.

Source by Kamau Austin

07 Jul

Stress Management and Mastery: Relaxation Triggers

Did you know that you can create your own relaxation triggers?

How would you like to be able to fire off your own relaxation trigger whenever you needed it?

Here are 3 simple steps that will allow you to relax anywhere whenever you need it.

Step One

Picture yourself in a relaxing, peaceful, and stress free situation and place. For some people it is indoors, for others it is outdoors somewhere.

Create as much detail as you can in your imagination. Make it bright and colorful. Immerse yourself in the scene. See what you would see, hear what you would hear, feel what you would feel.

While you are picturing yourself in this peaceful and relaxing place, create an immediate trigger. This will enable you to instantly feel the relaxation when you need it.

Your trigger could be a snap of the fingers, a word or phrase, a mental picture, a song, or something else that works for you.

Whatever the trigger is, it should quickly and strongly remind you of the relaxing place.

Step Three

The nice thing about this exercise is I bet you will get to practice it very soon. We do not have to wait too long to face a stressful situation.

When you do find yourself in a stressful situation, simply fire off your relaxation trigger and feel the relief.

Source by Jeff Herring

13 Jun

Anger Management: What is Your Anger Language?

So what is your anger language?

Your anger language is which emotion typically triggers your anger.

Most people believe that their anger “just happens” in one of two ways:

Either they can’t help themselves or someone or something makes them angry.

The reality is…

The reality is you can help yourself and no one makes you angry, because anger is a choice.

The reason anger is a choice is because anger is a secondary emotion. In other words, before you feel anger, you have felt something else first.

Which one comes first?

There are three primary emotions or feelings that typically come before anger. The top three are:

1. Frustration – Something has not gone your way, gotten in your way, or frustrated you in some other way.

2. Fear – You have gotten scared by something or you are extremely worried about something.

3. Hurt – You got your feelings hurt.

A little practice

Here is what you can practice – the next time you get angry, pay attention to what you were feeling before you got angry. Was it frustration, fear, or hurt?

As you get good at identifying which feeling usually comes first for you, you will be able to identify this as your primary anger language.

Whatever your primary anger language is, deal with that emotion first and then the need for the anger diminishes or disappears.

Source by Jeff Herring

14 May

Stress and Time Management – Need of the Hour

A corporate setting or home office, no matter where you are – for an entrepreneur, stress is de rigueur. There’s simply no escaping it! Stress can be described as anything that disturbs your overall sense of well being. While work overload, de-motivation, professional setback or plain lack of physical exercise can all lead to stress, the most common cause is the dreaded D-word “deadline”! Therefore, today’s entrepreneur needs to practice both stress and time management in the interest of self preservation.

Among other things, an entrepreneur is under constant pressure to generate income to maintain the financial health of the business, and that’s as sure a recipe for stress as any. While some stress is good as a motivational factor, staying in overdrive 24×7 will lead only to anxiety and frustration. Sooner or later one has to either eliminate stress from one’s life, or learn to deal with it. This is where stress and time management come to the rescue.

Learn to manage time. Before you leave home for work, plan your day’s schedule in advance. This will help you gear up for your daily business activities. Work on the most important or difficult tasks during “prime time”. Make an effort to do things right on the first attempt. Efficiency at work means wasting less time and effort, and also means lower stress. If telephone calls are an annoying interruption during business hours, turn on the answering machine so that you are on-duty but off-call. While you should work to a well oiled schedule, keep it flexible enough to attend to emergencies or special events. When you make sure everything is planned for the day, you will worry less, and be in control.

Identify time wasters. Spot your four or five big time-wasters and develop ways to beat them. For example, casual telephone calls and visitors, chit chat, excessive paperwork, procrastination, failure to delegate, unclear objectives, poor scheduling and lack of self-discipline, are all time stealers. Deal with them to avoid stress.

Keep in touch with people. If you run a work-at-home business, then this is for you. A home alone job might be your dream, but remember, it comes with being alone, and that can be tough to handle. Balance your solitariness with work-related or social activities that provide frequent contact with others. This will keep your morale high – the best stress buster in the world!

Make physical fitness a priority. You need a well exercised body and mind to be able to think creatively. Losing yourself in an enjoyable physical activity is the best way to escape the grind. Jogging, brisk walking, team sports – take your pick. If you can’t afford to go on vacation, at least take a day off at times.

Separate your place of work from home. Your home and office may exist under one roof, but ensure that there are “walls” between them. No doubt, using a cardboard box as a file cabinet will save you a few dollars, but not having a proper work space and supplies not only wastes time but also creates stress. Therefore, designing an adequate work area is essential to both stress and time management. Ensure you have a separate business area, with a dedicated entrance for customers. Consciously entering an area solely designated for work separates “being at home” from “being at the office.” A piece of good news for you – added to the mental and physical comfort of having a separate office, you can claim tax deductions from the IRS.

Take care of yourself. Having yourself as the BOSS can be exciting, fulfilling and rewarding. Yet, it can get lonely and stressful. Therefore, learn to balance your personal and professional life. It’s your business after all, and solely depends on your well being to survive!

If you’re still looking for some advice, check out the following. The folks at provide training programs and counseling to managers and business owners on stress and time management. Books like “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” from and “Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time” on can be of great help. Stress and time management related e-books are also available at

Resolve to deal with stress today!

Source by Akhil Shahani

14 Apr

Five Tips For Stress Reduction in the Workplace

If your experiencing stress in the workplace your not alone, all of us experience a certain amount of stress on the job to some degree, people who actually have completely stress-free jobs are few and far in between. The main sources of job stress comes from the pressure to produce, meet deadlines, abide by rules, and to be compatible with the other people working with us.

Each day seems to bring new hardships that we are forced to deal with on a regular basis. The harsh reality is that much of our lives is spent at our jobs, if we cannot eliminate stress we must at least learn how to reduce and handle it better.

1. Don’t work yourself too hard- Make sure your taking breaks after particularly stressful events. You need to do this to keep yourself fresh, try a five minute walk. Small breaks throughout the day will keep your performance at it’s best.

2. Rehearse and be prepared- Being prepared ahead of time will give you the upper hand in any situation and prevent unnecessary stress. Make an effort here, you will notice things start to go a significantly smoother.

3. Avoid procrastination- Procrastinating is a stress breeder! Putting things off will just add more problems. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can accomplish today.

4. Take care of yourself- Eat healthy, make sure your getting in exercise regularly, and enough sleep.

5. Cut Out Unnecessary Burden- If your already too busy, learn to say “no” to extra tasks that are not your responsibility or are unrealistic demands.

I hope you have found these tips useful, visit this site Stress Reduction In The Workplace For extra help on this topic.

Source by Rin Otori

15 Mar

Lifeguarding Is Stressful – Use These Tips to Deal With It

Sitting amongst hundreds of patrons, the lifeguard chair can be a lonely place. The rigors of the job require you to sit for long periods of time and stay focused, all while ensuring the safety of the guests you are watching. Not only do you embrace a great deal of responsibility, but you could be feeling the pressure of the responsibility as well. It is common to tell someone in your situation to “not to let the pressure get to you,” but when you are dealing with life and death situations, it is normal to have some stress. The best thing you can do is learn how to deal with your stress. Follow these tips to reduce your stress and be more confident on the lifeguard chair.

  • Talk to Your Supervisor: One of the many tasks of your supervisor is to ensure her employees are functioning at the highest level possible. Any time you are not feeling confident about your job, you need to tell your supervisor. Not only is it in their best interest to help you find a way to deal with your stress, but chances are they have been in the same situation. Often times, it is the outstanding lifeguards that are elevated to the position of supervisor. Supervisors have demonstrated to management that they are excellent leaders and have excelled at being a lifeguard. That is why your supervisor is the best source for advice on how to deal with the pressure you are feeling.
  • Eat a Balanced Diet and Stay Hydrated: While eating a balanced diet and drinking enough water won’t automatically eliminate stress from your job, it can prevent you from placing more stress on yourself. How so? Well, a common coping technique for dealing with stress is overeating and when your body is feeling stressed it usually craves junk food that is not good for your body. While these foods may make you feel better in the short term, they will take their toll on your body over time in the form of weight gain, immune system issues, and imbalances in your blood sugar. One way to prevent these issues is to practice a balanced diet and keep yourself hydrated.
  • Magnify Your Stressor: The human mind is an amazing thing. It allows you to do push your body beyond any limits that you set for yourself. It can also be your biggest inhibitor. Letting negative thoughts creep in your mind will lower your confidence and make you cautious on the lifeguard stand. The next time you doubt your abilities, try to magnify that doubt. Magnifying your doubt involves exaggerating your fear and proving to yourself that your fear is silly

    Not sure what we mean? Talk yourself through your doubts like this: “What if I see a man struggling in the pool and calling for help. Then I jump in the water to save him, but my entrance is very sloppy. I reach the man and am able to pull him to safety, but not before a little struggle when swimming with him to safety. When my manager witnesses this he decides to fire me for my flawed entrance and struggle when saving the man. Eventually, my name gets around to all the aquatics facilities in the world and I am never able to get another lifeguard job. Being kicked out of the lifeguard circle, I have no way of paying for college and am destined to develop a large gut and live in my parent’s basement forever.” Using this example, you can see that your doubts are most likely flawed. Rather than fire you for using sloppy technique, you supervisor will most likely praise you for saving a life. Use this technique to quell any doubts or fears of the job.

  • Practice: If you are new to lifeguarding, it will likely take you some time to develop comfort in the lifeguard chair. The comfort is developed as you gain more experience and practice your skills. While you won’t be able to time travel to a later date where you have more experience, you can control how much you practice the skills you doubt the most. It is extra practice that you will help you develop confidence to perform these skills in a moment’s notice in an emergency situation. Set a goal for yourself to practice the skill you doubt the most for an extra 15 minutes each day. As you develop more comfort with that skill, move on to the next skill you have the most doubt about.

Dealing with life and death situations among the many distractions makes lifeguarding a very difficult job. Not only do you need to keep in peak physical condition, you also need to train your mind to be in top mental shape as well. Stress is likely to be a major component of the mental side of the job. Whenever you encounter stress, make sure to use these tips to deal with it.

Source by David Hungarter

13 Feb

Simple Time Management and Life Coaching Tips To Improve Your Life

The world in which we live in moves very quickly and most of us are burdened with tons of responsibilities. Unfortunately, that can lead to frustration and stress. Most of the time, it’s due to the fact that we don’t know exactly how to put everything into perspective. Here, we’ll provide some simple time management tips to improve life and help get things done.

The number one thing that is absolutely necessary is to invest in either a planner or some kind of software if you use a computer regularly throughout the day. That’s important because if you aren’t using digital devices that will keep you reminded of your tasks and responsibilities, they will only be forgotten.

From there, one must learn how to use the planner or software to its fullest capacity. This will ensure that a list all your tasks is made by order of priority. So, set some deadlines for when they must be completed. But, make sure that you set realistic deadlines and goals, otherwise you will be overwhelmed and could possibly leave things uncompleted.

Make sure that you write things down and work from a list. If you don’t finish your main tasks in one day, you can always work on it the next day.

If you plan and work using a schedule, you’ll find that you get so much more done. Nothing will be left dangling to add on to other important tasks and responsibilities. Far too many people are guilty of that and they get to the point where they are completely overwhelmed and they are back in the place that they were to begin with.

Make sure to have your agenda with you at all times. This will help you to make plans and complete your tasks. Like this, double booking an afternoon will never happen, nor will you forget to take your child to dance class.

Also, try to take a good look at the way you run your life and see where you waste time. We all have different ways to waste time. If you find yours and resolve it, you are certain to be more organized and better off.

Source by Rodger Constandse

14 Jan

How To Use Your Time To Create The Life You Want

How you use your time is just one of the variables to success. I’m not talking about the passage of time because time just is. It’s what you do with the time that you have that matters. One of the secrets to success is knowing how much time to spend on the right things at the right time in the right order to get the results you want in your life.

We have so many distractions these days that it’s so easy to be swayed off course. So how do you know when you’re using your time effectively and when you’re not?

1. Get the Balance Right

It’s all about balance. If you feel you’re working too slowly, how can you speed up such that you’re still fully present with the task at hand, you’re minimising errors and you’re in that alpha brainwave state (where you’re fully absorbed in what you’re doing)? If work is coming in at a faster pace than your working pace you know you need to reduce the time you’re spending on tasks or increase your pace.

If you’re rushing around in a state of unhealthy stress (yes there is healthy stress… it’s called moderate pressure!) what do you need to do to slow down and bring a sense of calmness and balance back into your being?

If you’re being drawn away from what you’re doing by social media and time is just passing you by, what strategies and stops do you need to put in place to ensure that you minimise those distractions? It’s all about finding that fine line between speed and pace, between stress and pressure, between distraction and taking a break.

How you view what you’re engaged in at any point in time is key to how successfully you do what you do. It’s about gaining that clarity in your mind. For example if you feel your pace is too slow or to fast on a particular day and you’ve got a long list of tasks to accomplish that day, get clear about why your pace is the way it is.

Look back at what you were doing yesterday. Did you have a full-on day yesterday, or was your day too easy? In which case should you have scheduled in a lighter day today or a more active one? How did you sleep last night? If you spent the night tossing and turning and hardly slept that might be a clue that maybe your body just needs rest today. If you slept soundly last night this is going to contribute to an extra boost of energy for you.

Look at what you’ve been eating over the last few days. If it’s empty calories that give you the feeling of fullness but lack nourishment, this is going to drain your energy levels. If, however, you’ve been taking in food and drink packed with E numbers you may find yourself bouncing off the walls. All of these aspects are going to have an impact on the time you spend, so planning your days effectively taking account of your energy levels is crucial.

2. Understand How You Respond

Another indicator as to whether your life is working for you time wise is how well you’re moving towards what you want in life. A measure of this is how you’re responding at the end of each day to what you’ve achieved… or not. If you feel disappointed because once again you’ve not accomplished what you wanted to achieve, perhaps it’s because once again you’ve unrealistically tried to fit too many tasks into one day.

By asking yourself certain questions about the activities you undertake will begin to give you an understanding of how well you’re using your time. Do you feel your task is too big, too small, too boring? Maybe you’re unclear on exactly what it is you need to do. Perhaps you lack clarity on how you’re going to do what it is you want to do.

3. Prioritize Your Activities

Maybe what’s needed is some time to clearly define your activity, why you’re doing it and to work out a simple strategy that will at least get you moving. Sometimes when you take a few moments to take just these simple steps, your energy levels begin to stabilise because confusion, frustration and uncertainty begin to wane.

Taking some time to simply prioritize your tasks according to their level of importance, timing each one and deciding when you are going to tackle each is an amazingly freeing activity on a mental level that will begin to move you forward. Adopting this more practical approach will also help you to learn more about how you naturally work, and to work in accordance with this.

4. Get Clear on Your Outcomes

The clearer you can be about your desired achievements, the more constructively you’ll find yourself using your time. How to do this is relatively simple:

  • Get really clear on exactly what you want to achieve
  • Map out your strategy for getting there
  • Break your project down into prioritized and timed phases and tasks
  • Get to work!
  • Evaluate on an ongoing basis what’s working and what’s not
  • Make the necessary adjustments along the way
  • Stay open-minded to what success will look like
  • Keep going until you get to where you want to go (or to the closest version of it)
  • Rinse and repeat

It’s a simple system, but it’s not necessarily easy, and a key part of this is how you use the time at your disposal to get to your outcome. When you begin to use your time more effectively by following the strategies above, you can begin to achieve the exact outcomes you want to manifest, and from there start to carve out the exact life you want to live.

Source by Carmen Gilfillan

15 Dec

Time Management Tips – How to Establish Boundaries That Safeguard Your Time and Energy

Time management tips can teach you how to regenerate your vitality immediately by setting boundaries, utilizing these 3 powerful strategies:

  1. Comprehend how your time choices shape your quality of life. Genuinely appreciating the full power of your time choices requires and builds grit. Why? You genuinely realize what an enormous responsibility you carry in your own two hands. Yet assuming that level of ownership actually creates courage, because life becomes infinitely more exciting! No more wasting energy in blaming others. Your moment-to-moment choices grow more meaningful. This brings your essential focus to here, now. “Here” is where you live. “Now” is where all your power resides.
  2. Assertively prioritize activities that energize you. Consciously shaping your life through making your best possible time choices certainly helps you prioritize your activities. One of the most powerful techniques for energizing your time choices is to clearly identify your motivation. For example, if you resent going to work, you are draining your incentive and casting yourself in the role of the hapless victim, dragged through life by circumstances. You owe it to yourself to stop and consider the dignified reasons you go to work, like putting food on the table. Protect your energy by refusing to blame life for time choices you can make and remake at will. Then again, if your livelihood is demoralizing even when you invest your best efforts, you owe it to yourself to explore new avenues. Even in the most uncertain times, you benefit by examining and weighing the cost of each option. You will go through life more alert, more curious, and with enhanced vitality. And new doors will open.
  3. Successfully establish boundaries to promote your priorities. To say “Yes” to one fresh opportunity, you must say “No” to others. This essential discipline is worth all the assertiveness and social skills it requires. Your zest for life is rallied in the following ways:
    • Establishing a hierarchy of priorities strengthens your core. Who you are is determined largely by what you consciously choose, and what you are willing to relinquish in return. This is where the rubber hits the road, and where you gain essential traction to move through your day.
    • Establishing boundaries shapes your life. If you feel obliged to say, “Yes,” to all demands, your life becomes no more than a receptacle for others’ agendas. Own your life. The more you simplify your commitments to support what truly matters to you, the more easily you can fulfill them without feeling depleted.
    • Setting boundaries clarifies significant relationships. By presenting a defined self with clear priorities, you invite others to follow your example. Although submerged conflicts may surface in ways you first find uncomfortable, addressing those conflicts frees up enormous energy to be authentic and straightforward.

As you see, establishing and maintaining time boundaries is key to a healthy, fulfilling and productive life! Experience for yourself how following through, patiently and persistently, accepting setbacks, yields remarkable dividends of vitality and optimism.

Let time management address the whole of your life. If you are clear you want to live your best life, make time choices that will deepen and enlarge your moments, no matter what comes your way. This “heart-based” time management honors and enhances the significance of your life, each and every moment.

So, ask yourself: How can you seize the opportunity right now to make more meaningful time choices?

Source by Paula Eder

15 Nov

Try These Time Management Techniques

Most of the time, people find themselves never having enough time to do all the things they need to do. A lot of people find it hard to organize their tasks and set schedules, which results to frustration from not being able to keep up with their work load. The key to maximizing your time is to have time management techniques that will help increase your productivity and allow you to do everything you can do in a day or a week. Time management is a necessity, starting from school and most especially at work, so you have to develop this skill as soon as you can so that you can cope with your responsibilities.

Having the right time management skills will lessen your instances of procrastinating, will have you less worried about deadlines and due dates, will allow you to become more productive, and will also give you time to relax, which is also important in any job. Try these time management techniques and see how it can help you perform at your best.

  • Schedule your day and keep track of all the things you can accomplish within it.
  • Prioritize your tasks. Keep the urgent and important ones on top. Finish those first before attending to the others.
  • Take your time in doing all of your responsibilities. Don’t compromise the quality of your work just because you have a lot of things to do.
  • Try to delegate some of your other tasks to someone if you can, so that you can focus on those that you really need to do.
  • Evaluate what you need to do and how much time you need for everything before accepting other tasks assigned to you. If you have too much on your plate, you might not be able to commit to all of them.
  • Limit the time you spend entertaining distractions. Don’t spend too much time on your emails or on the Internet in general. Finish what you have to do first before devoting time to other non-essential things.
  • Don’t forget to take a break. Refreshing yourself at least twice a day will make you more pumped to work and get things done.

These time management techniques will help you increase your productivity and allow you to become efficient and effective at work. Make a time management planner your best friend, keep track of your progress and evaluate yourself, and see how planning your work flow will help you yield the best results for yourself and for your company.

Source by AD Barredo