Tag: <span>Management</span>

07 Jul

Stress Management and Mastery: Relaxation Triggers

Did you know that you can create your own relaxation triggers?

How would you like to be able to fire off your own relaxation trigger whenever you needed it?

Here are 3 simple steps that will allow you to relax anywhere whenever you need it.

Step One

Picture yourself in a relaxing, peaceful, and stress free situation and place. For some people it is indoors, for others it is outdoors somewhere.

Create as much detail as you can in your imagination. Make it bright and colorful. Immerse yourself in the scene. See what you would see, hear what you would hear, feel what you would feel.

While you are picturing yourself in this peaceful and relaxing place, create an immediate trigger. This will enable you to instantly feel the relaxation when you need it.

Your trigger could be a snap of the fingers, a word or phrase, a mental picture, a song, or something else that works for you.

Whatever the trigger is, it should quickly and strongly remind you of the relaxing place.

Step Three

The nice thing about this exercise is I bet you will get to practice it very soon. We do not have to wait too long to face a stressful situation.

When you do find yourself in a stressful situation, simply fire off your relaxation trigger and feel the relief.

Source by Jeff Herring

13 Jun

Anger Management: What is Your Anger Language?

So what is your anger language?

Your anger language is which emotion typically triggers your anger.

Most people believe that their anger “just happens” in one of two ways:

Either they can’t help themselves or someone or something makes them angry.

The reality is…

The reality is you can help yourself and no one makes you angry, because anger is a choice.

The reason anger is a choice is because anger is a secondary emotion. In other words, before you feel anger, you have felt something else first.

Which one comes first?

There are three primary emotions or feelings that typically come before anger. The top three are:

1. Frustration – Something has not gone your way, gotten in your way, or frustrated you in some other way.

2. Fear – You have gotten scared by something or you are extremely worried about something.

3. Hurt – You got your feelings hurt.

A little practice

Here is what you can practice – the next time you get angry, pay attention to what you were feeling before you got angry. Was it frustration, fear, or hurt?

As you get good at identifying which feeling usually comes first for you, you will be able to identify this as your primary anger language.

Whatever your primary anger language is, deal with that emotion first and then the need for the anger diminishes or disappears.

Source by Jeff Herring

14 May

Stress and Time Management – Need of the Hour

A corporate setting or home office, no matter where you are – for an entrepreneur, stress is de rigueur. There’s simply no escaping it! Stress can be described as anything that disturbs your overall sense of well being. While work overload, de-motivation, professional setback or plain lack of physical exercise can all lead to stress, the most common cause is the dreaded D-word “deadline”! Therefore, today’s entrepreneur needs to practice both stress and time management in the interest of self preservation.

Among other things, an entrepreneur is under constant pressure to generate income to maintain the financial health of the business, and that’s as sure a recipe for stress as any. While some stress is good as a motivational factor, staying in overdrive 24×7 will lead only to anxiety and frustration. Sooner or later one has to either eliminate stress from one’s life, or learn to deal with it. This is where stress and time management come to the rescue.

Learn to manage time. Before you leave home for work, plan your day’s schedule in advance. This will help you gear up for your daily business activities. Work on the most important or difficult tasks during “prime time”. Make an effort to do things right on the first attempt. Efficiency at work means wasting less time and effort, and also means lower stress. If telephone calls are an annoying interruption during business hours, turn on the answering machine so that you are on-duty but off-call. While you should work to a well oiled schedule, keep it flexible enough to attend to emergencies or special events. When you make sure everything is planned for the day, you will worry less, and be in control.

Identify time wasters. Spot your four or five big time-wasters and develop ways to beat them. For example, casual telephone calls and visitors, chit chat, excessive paperwork, procrastination, failure to delegate, unclear objectives, poor scheduling and lack of self-discipline, are all time stealers. Deal with them to avoid stress.

Keep in touch with people. If you run a work-at-home business, then this is for you. A home alone job might be your dream, but remember, it comes with being alone, and that can be tough to handle. Balance your solitariness with work-related or social activities that provide frequent contact with others. This will keep your morale high – the best stress buster in the world!

Make physical fitness a priority. You need a well exercised body and mind to be able to think creatively. Losing yourself in an enjoyable physical activity is the best way to escape the grind. Jogging, brisk walking, team sports – take your pick. If you can’t afford to go on vacation, at least take a day off at times.

Separate your place of work from home. Your home and office may exist under one roof, but ensure that there are “walls” between them. No doubt, using a cardboard box as a file cabinet will save you a few dollars, but not having a proper work space and supplies not only wastes time but also creates stress. Therefore, designing an adequate work area is essential to both stress and time management. Ensure you have a separate business area, with a dedicated entrance for customers. Consciously entering an area solely designated for work separates “being at home” from “being at the office.” A piece of good news for you – added to the mental and physical comfort of having a separate office, you can claim tax deductions from the IRS.

Take care of yourself. Having yourself as the BOSS can be exciting, fulfilling and rewarding. Yet, it can get lonely and stressful. Therefore, learn to balance your personal and professional life. It’s your business after all, and solely depends on your well being to survive!

If you’re still looking for some advice, check out the following. The folks at provide training programs and counseling to managers and business owners on stress and time management. Books like “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” from and “Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time” on can be of great help. Stress and time management related e-books are also available at

Resolve to deal with stress today!

Source by Akhil Shahani

12 Mar

Time Management For Students – 8 Tips To Control Your Time Better

In the case of students, manging time is a very crucial aspect of this phase in their lives. This would give them proper ideas and steps on how to utilise their time properly. Apart from this, effective management of time can also help in estimating the amount of time it would take to perform an activity. This could help in preparing themselves for the later stages of their lives when schedules become more hectic.

By large, a student must have a very precise evaluation of his time. On doing this, the individual will be able to keep an eye on his activities. Enough time for preparation for all his activities is very crucial indeed.

Not having sufficient time to get things done in the day has become a major problem of students. Apart from this, many students are being late for their classes.

Following are a few tips for students to take control of time and also to organize things.

1. It is very much necessary for an individual to prepare a “to do” list every single day. Putting goals, responsibilities and tasks in written format is really important. The activities should be ranked from those of highest priority to the lowest priority. Hence, the activity that needs to be performed properly is given top priority.

2. Spare time of the individual should be used wisely. Every second is very vital. A minute once lost, is lost forever. A single minute should never be wasted by doing unproductive activities. Like for example, some reading can be done while one is travelling in the bus. One can also try to revise notes while he is on a recess or a break. Free time should be used always, like for example, if a project is not due yet, one can utilise the free time and complete it well in advance.

3. Do not fear to say the word no. Saying no sometimes is very important. For example, if a friend asks you to watch a programme on a schooling night. This could be one’ s study time. The programme could get extended to the early hours of the morning, one will feel sleepy and unfit for the next working day. Making right decisions is very important. Keeping the priorities is crucial. Things should be done at the right place and at the right time.

4. One must find apt timings for both studies and work.Students will be able to perform well in their studies excellently if the allotment of work time is well planned. Like for instance, if one loves to do science early in the morning rather than the afternoon, he should do it then.

5. Taking a good sleep in the night is very important. This deficiency may make the day seem longer than it is. Taking short rest periods could also lead to extra and unnecessary stress making tasks more difficult. On the other hand, with sufficient sleep, one can carry out the day to day activities with a fresh mind and also at a fast rate.

6. One should be a good “task holder master”. Figuring out the amount of free time a week has is very important. Good planning and management can help in settling activities that tend to consume a lot of time.

7. One should not waste time by worrying about things that did not work out well. Peace of mind and relaxation is necessary. Time is spent in worrying and as a result nothing is done. Instead of this, finding a solution is wiser. Procrastination is the thief of time.

8. Outlook maintenance in a positive perspective is needed. The goal must be sensible. Having unrealistic view of goals is going to lead to failures.

The above tips could help one organize his schedule. This could lead to stress free work and less worries.

Source by Abhishek Agarwal

13 Feb

Simple Time Management and Life Coaching Tips To Improve Your Life

The world in which we live in moves very quickly and most of us are burdened with tons of responsibilities. Unfortunately, that can lead to frustration and stress. Most of the time, it’s due to the fact that we don’t know exactly how to put everything into perspective. Here, we’ll provide some simple time management tips to improve life and help get things done.

The number one thing that is absolutely necessary is to invest in either a planner or some kind of software if you use a computer regularly throughout the day. That’s important because if you aren’t using digital devices that will keep you reminded of your tasks and responsibilities, they will only be forgotten.

From there, one must learn how to use the planner or software to its fullest capacity. This will ensure that a list all your tasks is made by order of priority. So, set some deadlines for when they must be completed. But, make sure that you set realistic deadlines and goals, otherwise you will be overwhelmed and could possibly leave things uncompleted.

Make sure that you write things down and work from a list. If you don’t finish your main tasks in one day, you can always work on it the next day.

If you plan and work using a schedule, you’ll find that you get so much more done. Nothing will be left dangling to add on to other important tasks and responsibilities. Far too many people are guilty of that and they get to the point where they are completely overwhelmed and they are back in the place that they were to begin with.

Make sure to have your agenda with you at all times. This will help you to make plans and complete your tasks. Like this, double booking an afternoon will never happen, nor will you forget to take your child to dance class.

Also, try to take a good look at the way you run your life and see where you waste time. We all have different ways to waste time. If you find yours and resolve it, you are certain to be more organized and better off.

Source by Rodger Constandse

17 Jan

Ten Important Classroom Management Tips and Strategies

By now, you have probably already learned that a good classroom management system is responsible for building a positive classroom climate. As a classroom manager, A good classroom manager knows that the benefit of using classroom management strategies can both stimulate and encourage learning.

Using Classroom Strategies for Improving Motivation

When consistently implemented, these strategies can enhance the quality of your own teaching. This can be done in a variety of ways:

– Always aim to model the desire behavior. – Modeling is important for setting the expectations of both behavior and learning procedures.

– Creating opportunities for personal contact with students. – This includes providing tutorials and positive reinforcement whenever needed.

– Taking the student seriously. Students sense when they are taken seriously by the little things a teacher does in the classroom. Teachers can communicate this in a variety of ways using positive reinforcement, communicating expectations, and motivating pep talks.

– Being supportive, encouraging, helpful and available.

– Sharing information and ideas with the students.

– Accepting students’ feelings especially regarding assignments and tests.

Classroom Management Procedures

Effective classroom managers can also use the following classroom management procedures for reinforcing their rules and procedures. Some classroom managers believe that sharing responsibility with students leads to cooperation and a positive classroom environment.

– Allow students to participate in rule setting. This strategy helps with developing their own responsibility as learners and managing their own classroom behavior.

– Allow students input into the daily schedule. This strategy helps them with organizing, prioritizing and planning content of the daily lesson as well as managing their work efforts and contributions to the lessons.

– Allow students to give input about assignments. This strategy helps them to become more aware of how they manipulate their learning.

– Allow students to select their own books to read. – This strategy has important implications for enhancing motivation.

– Allow students to plan and set goals for learning. Students can set two to three goals that they feel will help improve their learning such as handing in homework on time and improving their spelling.

– Allow the student to use self-evaluation procedures. Teachers can provide checklists and rubrics to encourage independent learning.

Building a positive classroom climate includes involving students in on classroom procedures and rules and treating them with respect. If you do these classroom procedures and strategies consistently, you’ll find that the quality of your teaching will shine. So what are you waiting for? Try it!

Source by Dorit Sasson

15 Dec

Time Management Tips – How to Establish Boundaries That Safeguard Your Time and Energy

Time management tips can teach you how to regenerate your vitality immediately by setting boundaries, utilizing these 3 powerful strategies:

  1. Comprehend how your time choices shape your quality of life. Genuinely appreciating the full power of your time choices requires and builds grit. Why? You genuinely realize what an enormous responsibility you carry in your own two hands. Yet assuming that level of ownership actually creates courage, because life becomes infinitely more exciting! No more wasting energy in blaming others. Your moment-to-moment choices grow more meaningful. This brings your essential focus to here, now. “Here” is where you live. “Now” is where all your power resides.
  2. Assertively prioritize activities that energize you. Consciously shaping your life through making your best possible time choices certainly helps you prioritize your activities. One of the most powerful techniques for energizing your time choices is to clearly identify your motivation. For example, if you resent going to work, you are draining your incentive and casting yourself in the role of the hapless victim, dragged through life by circumstances. You owe it to yourself to stop and consider the dignified reasons you go to work, like putting food on the table. Protect your energy by refusing to blame life for time choices you can make and remake at will. Then again, if your livelihood is demoralizing even when you invest your best efforts, you owe it to yourself to explore new avenues. Even in the most uncertain times, you benefit by examining and weighing the cost of each option. You will go through life more alert, more curious, and with enhanced vitality. And new doors will open.
  3. Successfully establish boundaries to promote your priorities. To say “Yes” to one fresh opportunity, you must say “No” to others. This essential discipline is worth all the assertiveness and social skills it requires. Your zest for life is rallied in the following ways:
    • Establishing a hierarchy of priorities strengthens your core. Who you are is determined largely by what you consciously choose, and what you are willing to relinquish in return. This is where the rubber hits the road, and where you gain essential traction to move through your day.
    • Establishing boundaries shapes your life. If you feel obliged to say, “Yes,” to all demands, your life becomes no more than a receptacle for others’ agendas. Own your life. The more you simplify your commitments to support what truly matters to you, the more easily you can fulfill them without feeling depleted.
    • Setting boundaries clarifies significant relationships. By presenting a defined self with clear priorities, you invite others to follow your example. Although submerged conflicts may surface in ways you first find uncomfortable, addressing those conflicts frees up enormous energy to be authentic and straightforward.

As you see, establishing and maintaining time boundaries is key to a healthy, fulfilling and productive life! Experience for yourself how following through, patiently and persistently, accepting setbacks, yields remarkable dividends of vitality and optimism.

Let time management address the whole of your life. If you are clear you want to live your best life, make time choices that will deepen and enlarge your moments, no matter what comes your way. This “heart-based” time management honors and enhances the significance of your life, each and every moment.

So, ask yourself: How can you seize the opportunity right now to make more meaningful time choices?

Source by Paula Eder

15 Nov

Try These Time Management Techniques

Most of the time, people find themselves never having enough time to do all the things they need to do. A lot of people find it hard to organize their tasks and set schedules, which results to frustration from not being able to keep up with their work load. The key to maximizing your time is to have time management techniques that will help increase your productivity and allow you to do everything you can do in a day or a week. Time management is a necessity, starting from school and most especially at work, so you have to develop this skill as soon as you can so that you can cope with your responsibilities.

Having the right time management skills will lessen your instances of procrastinating, will have you less worried about deadlines and due dates, will allow you to become more productive, and will also give you time to relax, which is also important in any job. Try these time management techniques and see how it can help you perform at your best.

  • Schedule your day and keep track of all the things you can accomplish within it.
  • Prioritize your tasks. Keep the urgent and important ones on top. Finish those first before attending to the others.
  • Take your time in doing all of your responsibilities. Don’t compromise the quality of your work just because you have a lot of things to do.
  • Try to delegate some of your other tasks to someone if you can, so that you can focus on those that you really need to do.
  • Evaluate what you need to do and how much time you need for everything before accepting other tasks assigned to you. If you have too much on your plate, you might not be able to commit to all of them.
  • Limit the time you spend entertaining distractions. Don’t spend too much time on your emails or on the Internet in general. Finish what you have to do first before devoting time to other non-essential things.
  • Don’t forget to take a break. Refreshing yourself at least twice a day will make you more pumped to work and get things done.

These time management techniques will help you increase your productivity and allow you to become efficient and effective at work. Make a time management planner your best friend, keep track of your progress and evaluate yourself, and see how planning your work flow will help you yield the best results for yourself and for your company.

Source by AD Barredo

16 Oct

Practical and Detailed Time Management Tips for a Fulfilling Life

Time is what we need most, but what we use worst – William Penn

One of the biggest reasons for stress, frustration and irritation is poor time management. We often feel that we never have enough time to do anything. This is a flawed assumption to begin with. Each and every one of us has twenty-fours in a day, no more and no less.

Why is it then that some people are able to accomplish many activities while others struggle on? Time management does not mean squeezing in many jobs in a short time-frame! Time management means managing your hours in a way that maximizes productivity while allowing free time for leisure, relaxation and fun.

Effective time management strategies can help you in several important ways and minimize stress. Are you managing your time effectively?

Signs of Poor and Ineffective Time Management

‘Short as time is, we make it shorter by wasting time’ Victor Hugo

Rushing around with a full diary of appointments, tasks and meetings does not imply good time management. If you notice any of the following signs in your life, you’re probably wasting precious time:

· Poor punctuality: You are always late for appointments

· Negative feelings dominate: You are always feeling stressed, anxious and impatient

· Poor work productivity: Are you always asking for extra time to complete projects and submit reports?

· Lack of leisure and relaxation: You find yourself always working with no time for family and friends

· Chronic Procrastination: Do you constantly find yourself postponing tasks?

If you constantly find yourself chasing your tail, unable to make decisions and falling through the cracks, you may need to understand why you are unable to manage your time.

10 Reasons why Time Management is Important

1. You can improve productivity and quality of output without burning out

2. Time management leads to more leisure and relaxation time and better work-life balance

3. We are able to accomplish much more while doing less instead of running around in circles

4. You no longer feel overwhelmed, rushed and stressed.

5. Managing our time effectively helps us make better decisions and make empowering choices as we no longer jump to erroneous conclusions in a rush

6. Effective time management is the key to professional and academic success

7. You will feel relaxed and will experience improved levels of mental and physical wellbeing

8. Time management is one of the most effective techniques to beat procrastination

9. You begin to value your time as a precious asset and learn to use it wisely instead of squandering it frivolously

10. Time management helps create a positive flow of energy in your life and is a key factor in goal achievement

Effective Time Management Techniques and Strategies

‘The bad news is that time flies; the good news is that you are the pilot’ Michael Altshuler

You can read through the following list of carefully chosen time-management tips and select the ones that resonate with you.

20 Effective Time Management Tips and Strategies

1. Stop wasting your energy complaining lack of time; start planning your day instead.

2. Slot your tasks and activities into defined time frames. Give 10 minutes to X activity, 30 minutes to Y activity and so on.

3. Show respect and value for your time and others will also follow suit.

4. Use effective time management tools like a calendar and an organizer. There are free online organizers include tools such as Google Calendar and Backpack. A good old diary is just as effective!

5. Create your priority list and time allotments according to your preferences. Don’t pressurize yourself because your friend wants to borrow your car during evening rush hour.

6. Set a definite time after which you won’t work; otherwise work will creep into your evening.

7. Do regular time audits for the week and examine how your time was spent. You may want to redistribute your time for better utilization.

8. Highlight deadlines clearly and legibly in your calendar so that you can plan before project end dates.

9. Pinpoint activities and people who waste your time and drain your energy.

10. Schedule time for relaxation with family, children, friends and pets. A good work-life balance is very important for a stress-free life.

11. Place your clock where you can see it clearly at all times. Many times, we tend to have to look for our mobile phones in order to see the time!

12. Open a minimum number of online tabs. This wastes time as the eyes are continually darting towards other tabs. Close down everything except what you need.

13. Delegate tasks for improved time management. Most people feel obliged to do everything on their own.

14. Whenever you make a time estimate, always add on extra time to be on the safe side. We have a tendency to underestimate time required for tasks.

15. Plan your time but don’t force an unnatural pace. See if the time management plan is aligned with your preferences and expectations. Each person is different and there is no single plan that fits all.

16. Batch similar tasks together for improved efficacy and minimization of time wastage.

17. Avoid fussing about unimportant and trivial details. Keep the larger picture in mind.

18. Don’t stick up tasks one after another; keep a 10-minute buffer zone to take a breath between tasks.

19. Schedule time to reflect on thoughts, conversations and ideas that may help improve your life.

20. Close your eyes for two minutes and breathe gently. Focus on your breathing. This will help clear the mind before any important meeting and reduce stress instantly.

You can start implementing the above listed tips at any time. As you use them consistently, you will be pleasantly surprised to discover that you are able to do much more in less time without salving yourself into the ground.


Time is a more valuable resource than money: Lost money can be recovered but lost time is lost forever! We are likely to experience improved levels of motivation and satisfaction. Time management strategies will help you lead a meaningful and purposeful life with an ideal work-life balance.

Source by Nirupama N Raghavan

13 Sep

Simple Time Management Tips to Make High School Life Easier

High school student not just study and take classes. They also have to join school activities, socialize and do their homework. Apparently, they always have a lot of work in school and at home.

It is essential for high school students to be organized. If you are a high school student, it may seem like you are always running out of time and all you do is study and never get enough time with your friends and family.

Listed here seven tips for you to follow to make life of high school students easier and add extra time for you to be with your friends and family:

1- Set the target everyday – Before you go to bed, list down all the matters you want to accomplish on the next day. A ‘to do” list will help you to know what you are going to do and avoid doing unimportant tasks, of which will get everything done more efficiently and faster.

2- Prioritize your list of target – Once the “to do” list completed, try to prioritize the goals you want to achieve. Set your most important goal in life on top of your priority and your least important goals to down below on the list.

Be realistic on your list. It is better to list on what you need to achieve and not on what you want to achieve. If you have a long-term priority, it is probably best that you put it on the bottom of your list; you can always work on that tomorrow.

3- Utilize your spare time – As a high school student, sometimes you may not notice you have lots of spare time. Try to add up the minutes of the school bus ride to school and the school bus ride back home.

Use these times to create strategy of how to finish your homework effectively. By doing this, you will get an idea on what you need to do on your homework when you get home. This allows you to finish your homework faster and have extra time for other things.

4- Finding the right time – Sometime, students have specific time to study more efficiently. For instance, you can solve your math problems well on the afternoons; then do not wait until nighttime to do it. Mood is important here since mood can shifts immediately.

5- Taking notes – An effective way to study is to write down important notes. It is proven much better than just plain reading. Writing down notes has an effect on your mind. You can understand the topic more effectively and memorize it more effectively than by just reading.

Review your notes as your teacher might give a pop quiz on the next day. Reviewing your notes will help you be more prepared for the pop quizzes that your teacher may suddenly give.

6- Get adequate sleep – It is unhealthy trying to stress yourself out studying when you are supposed to be sleeping. It can bring ineffective results and unwelcome health problems.

If you need to sleep you have to sleep, do not force yourself to study if you cannot effectively study. If you try to study in this situation, you will most likely waste your time.

7- Keep your goals realistic – Trying to accomplish unrealistic goals can often result in failure and frustration. Setting realistic goals that is difficult and achieving it can give you self-worth and be proud on your achievements.

Just remember, everything you need to accomplish in one day is possible if you are organized and plan everything you do in a day.

Source by Fakhrul Anuar Malek