Tag: <span>Life</span>

13 Feb

Simple Time Management and Life Coaching Tips To Improve Your Life

The world in which we live in moves very quickly and most of us are burdened with tons of responsibilities. Unfortunately, that can lead to frustration and stress. Most of the time, it’s due to the fact that we don’t know exactly how to put everything into perspective. Here, we’ll provide some simple time management tips to improve life and help get things done.

The number one thing that is absolutely necessary is to invest in either a planner or some kind of software if you use a computer regularly throughout the day. That’s important because if you aren’t using digital devices that will keep you reminded of your tasks and responsibilities, they will only be forgotten.

From there, one must learn how to use the planner or software to its fullest capacity. This will ensure that a list all your tasks is made by order of priority. So, set some deadlines for when they must be completed. But, make sure that you set realistic deadlines and goals, otherwise you will be overwhelmed and could possibly leave things uncompleted.

Make sure that you write things down and work from a list. If you don’t finish your main tasks in one day, you can always work on it the next day.

If you plan and work using a schedule, you’ll find that you get so much more done. Nothing will be left dangling to add on to other important tasks and responsibilities. Far too many people are guilty of that and they get to the point where they are completely overwhelmed and they are back in the place that they were to begin with.

Make sure to have your agenda with you at all times. This will help you to make plans and complete your tasks. Like this, double booking an afternoon will never happen, nor will you forget to take your child to dance class.

Also, try to take a good look at the way you run your life and see where you waste time. We all have different ways to waste time. If you find yours and resolve it, you are certain to be more organized and better off.

Source by Rodger Constandse

14 Jan

How To Use Your Time To Create The Life You Want

How you use your time is just one of the variables to success. I’m not talking about the passage of time because time just is. It’s what you do with the time that you have that matters. One of the secrets to success is knowing how much time to spend on the right things at the right time in the right order to get the results you want in your life.

We have so many distractions these days that it’s so easy to be swayed off course. So how do you know when you’re using your time effectively and when you’re not?

1. Get the Balance Right

It’s all about balance. If you feel you’re working too slowly, how can you speed up such that you’re still fully present with the task at hand, you’re minimising errors and you’re in that alpha brainwave state (where you’re fully absorbed in what you’re doing)? If work is coming in at a faster pace than your working pace you know you need to reduce the time you’re spending on tasks or increase your pace.

If you’re rushing around in a state of unhealthy stress (yes there is healthy stress… it’s called moderate pressure!) what do you need to do to slow down and bring a sense of calmness and balance back into your being?

If you’re being drawn away from what you’re doing by social media and time is just passing you by, what strategies and stops do you need to put in place to ensure that you minimise those distractions? It’s all about finding that fine line between speed and pace, between stress and pressure, between distraction and taking a break.

How you view what you’re engaged in at any point in time is key to how successfully you do what you do. It’s about gaining that clarity in your mind. For example if you feel your pace is too slow or to fast on a particular day and you’ve got a long list of tasks to accomplish that day, get clear about why your pace is the way it is.

Look back at what you were doing yesterday. Did you have a full-on day yesterday, or was your day too easy? In which case should you have scheduled in a lighter day today or a more active one? How did you sleep last night? If you spent the night tossing and turning and hardly slept that might be a clue that maybe your body just needs rest today. If you slept soundly last night this is going to contribute to an extra boost of energy for you.

Look at what you’ve been eating over the last few days. If it’s empty calories that give you the feeling of fullness but lack nourishment, this is going to drain your energy levels. If, however, you’ve been taking in food and drink packed with E numbers you may find yourself bouncing off the walls. All of these aspects are going to have an impact on the time you spend, so planning your days effectively taking account of your energy levels is crucial.

2. Understand How You Respond

Another indicator as to whether your life is working for you time wise is how well you’re moving towards what you want in life. A measure of this is how you’re responding at the end of each day to what you’ve achieved… or not. If you feel disappointed because once again you’ve not accomplished what you wanted to achieve, perhaps it’s because once again you’ve unrealistically tried to fit too many tasks into one day.

By asking yourself certain questions about the activities you undertake will begin to give you an understanding of how well you’re using your time. Do you feel your task is too big, too small, too boring? Maybe you’re unclear on exactly what it is you need to do. Perhaps you lack clarity on how you’re going to do what it is you want to do.

3. Prioritize Your Activities

Maybe what’s needed is some time to clearly define your activity, why you’re doing it and to work out a simple strategy that will at least get you moving. Sometimes when you take a few moments to take just these simple steps, your energy levels begin to stabilise because confusion, frustration and uncertainty begin to wane.

Taking some time to simply prioritize your tasks according to their level of importance, timing each one and deciding when you are going to tackle each is an amazingly freeing activity on a mental level that will begin to move you forward. Adopting this more practical approach will also help you to learn more about how you naturally work, and to work in accordance with this.

4. Get Clear on Your Outcomes

The clearer you can be about your desired achievements, the more constructively you’ll find yourself using your time. How to do this is relatively simple:

  • Get really clear on exactly what you want to achieve
  • Map out your strategy for getting there
  • Break your project down into prioritized and timed phases and tasks
  • Get to work!
  • Evaluate on an ongoing basis what’s working and what’s not
  • Make the necessary adjustments along the way
  • Stay open-minded to what success will look like
  • Keep going until you get to where you want to go (or to the closest version of it)
  • Rinse and repeat

It’s a simple system, but it’s not necessarily easy, and a key part of this is how you use the time at your disposal to get to your outcome. When you begin to use your time more effectively by following the strategies above, you can begin to achieve the exact outcomes you want to manifest, and from there start to carve out the exact life you want to live.

Source by Carmen Gilfillan

16 Oct

Practical and Detailed Time Management Tips for a Fulfilling Life

Time is what we need most, but what we use worst – William Penn

One of the biggest reasons for stress, frustration and irritation is poor time management. We often feel that we never have enough time to do anything. This is a flawed assumption to begin with. Each and every one of us has twenty-fours in a day, no more and no less.

Why is it then that some people are able to accomplish many activities while others struggle on? Time management does not mean squeezing in many jobs in a short time-frame! Time management means managing your hours in a way that maximizes productivity while allowing free time for leisure, relaxation and fun.

Effective time management strategies can help you in several important ways and minimize stress. Are you managing your time effectively?

Signs of Poor and Ineffective Time Management

‘Short as time is, we make it shorter by wasting time’ Victor Hugo

Rushing around with a full diary of appointments, tasks and meetings does not imply good time management. If you notice any of the following signs in your life, you’re probably wasting precious time:

· Poor punctuality: You are always late for appointments

· Negative feelings dominate: You are always feeling stressed, anxious and impatient

· Poor work productivity: Are you always asking for extra time to complete projects and submit reports?

· Lack of leisure and relaxation: You find yourself always working with no time for family and friends

· Chronic Procrastination: Do you constantly find yourself postponing tasks?

If you constantly find yourself chasing your tail, unable to make decisions and falling through the cracks, you may need to understand why you are unable to manage your time.

10 Reasons why Time Management is Important

1. You can improve productivity and quality of output without burning out

2. Time management leads to more leisure and relaxation time and better work-life balance

3. We are able to accomplish much more while doing less instead of running around in circles

4. You no longer feel overwhelmed, rushed and stressed.

5. Managing our time effectively helps us make better decisions and make empowering choices as we no longer jump to erroneous conclusions in a rush

6. Effective time management is the key to professional and academic success

7. You will feel relaxed and will experience improved levels of mental and physical wellbeing

8. Time management is one of the most effective techniques to beat procrastination

9. You begin to value your time as a precious asset and learn to use it wisely instead of squandering it frivolously

10. Time management helps create a positive flow of energy in your life and is a key factor in goal achievement

Effective Time Management Techniques and Strategies

‘The bad news is that time flies; the good news is that you are the pilot’ Michael Altshuler

You can read through the following list of carefully chosen time-management tips and select the ones that resonate with you.

20 Effective Time Management Tips and Strategies

1. Stop wasting your energy complaining lack of time; start planning your day instead.

2. Slot your tasks and activities into defined time frames. Give 10 minutes to X activity, 30 minutes to Y activity and so on.

3. Show respect and value for your time and others will also follow suit.

4. Use effective time management tools like a calendar and an organizer. There are free online organizers include tools such as Google Calendar and Backpack. A good old diary is just as effective!

5. Create your priority list and time allotments according to your preferences. Don’t pressurize yourself because your friend wants to borrow your car during evening rush hour.

6. Set a definite time after which you won’t work; otherwise work will creep into your evening.

7. Do regular time audits for the week and examine how your time was spent. You may want to redistribute your time for better utilization.

8. Highlight deadlines clearly and legibly in your calendar so that you can plan before project end dates.

9. Pinpoint activities and people who waste your time and drain your energy.

10. Schedule time for relaxation with family, children, friends and pets. A good work-life balance is very important for a stress-free life.

11. Place your clock where you can see it clearly at all times. Many times, we tend to have to look for our mobile phones in order to see the time!

12. Open a minimum number of online tabs. This wastes time as the eyes are continually darting towards other tabs. Close down everything except what you need.

13. Delegate tasks for improved time management. Most people feel obliged to do everything on their own.

14. Whenever you make a time estimate, always add on extra time to be on the safe side. We have a tendency to underestimate time required for tasks.

15. Plan your time but don’t force an unnatural pace. See if the time management plan is aligned with your preferences and expectations. Each person is different and there is no single plan that fits all.

16. Batch similar tasks together for improved efficacy and minimization of time wastage.

17. Avoid fussing about unimportant and trivial details. Keep the larger picture in mind.

18. Don’t stick up tasks one after another; keep a 10-minute buffer zone to take a breath between tasks.

19. Schedule time to reflect on thoughts, conversations and ideas that may help improve your life.

20. Close your eyes for two minutes and breathe gently. Focus on your breathing. This will help clear the mind before any important meeting and reduce stress instantly.

You can start implementing the above listed tips at any time. As you use them consistently, you will be pleasantly surprised to discover that you are able to do much more in less time without salving yourself into the ground.


Time is a more valuable resource than money: Lost money can be recovered but lost time is lost forever! We are likely to experience improved levels of motivation and satisfaction. Time management strategies will help you lead a meaningful and purposeful life with an ideal work-life balance.

Source by Nirupama N Raghavan

13 Sep

Simple Time Management Tips to Make High School Life Easier

High school student not just study and take classes. They also have to join school activities, socialize and do their homework. Apparently, they always have a lot of work in school and at home.

It is essential for high school students to be organized. If you are a high school student, it may seem like you are always running out of time and all you do is study and never get enough time with your friends and family.

Listed here seven tips for you to follow to make life of high school students easier and add extra time for you to be with your friends and family:

1- Set the target everyday – Before you go to bed, list down all the matters you want to accomplish on the next day. A ‘to do” list will help you to know what you are going to do and avoid doing unimportant tasks, of which will get everything done more efficiently and faster.

2- Prioritize your list of target – Once the “to do” list completed, try to prioritize the goals you want to achieve. Set your most important goal in life on top of your priority and your least important goals to down below on the list.

Be realistic on your list. It is better to list on what you need to achieve and not on what you want to achieve. If you have a long-term priority, it is probably best that you put it on the bottom of your list; you can always work on that tomorrow.

3- Utilize your spare time – As a high school student, sometimes you may not notice you have lots of spare time. Try to add up the minutes of the school bus ride to school and the school bus ride back home.

Use these times to create strategy of how to finish your homework effectively. By doing this, you will get an idea on what you need to do on your homework when you get home. This allows you to finish your homework faster and have extra time for other things.

4- Finding the right time – Sometime, students have specific time to study more efficiently. For instance, you can solve your math problems well on the afternoons; then do not wait until nighttime to do it. Mood is important here since mood can shifts immediately.

5- Taking notes – An effective way to study is to write down important notes. It is proven much better than just plain reading. Writing down notes has an effect on your mind. You can understand the topic more effectively and memorize it more effectively than by just reading.

Review your notes as your teacher might give a pop quiz on the next day. Reviewing your notes will help you be more prepared for the pop quizzes that your teacher may suddenly give.

6- Get adequate sleep – It is unhealthy trying to stress yourself out studying when you are supposed to be sleeping. It can bring ineffective results and unwelcome health problems.

If you need to sleep you have to sleep, do not force yourself to study if you cannot effectively study. If you try to study in this situation, you will most likely waste your time.

7- Keep your goals realistic – Trying to accomplish unrealistic goals can often result in failure and frustration. Setting realistic goals that is difficult and achieving it can give you self-worth and be proud on your achievements.

Just remember, everything you need to accomplish in one day is possible if you are organized and plan everything you do in a day.

Source by Fakhrul Anuar Malek

30 Jul

“3 Idiots” – A Real Life Case Study


The movie ‘3 Idiots’ is totally focused on the current education system and its drawbacks. It has covered the situation of all the participants practically involved in the education system in India i.e. students, colleges, faculties and parents. Thus, this movie is a lesson to all the above parties, which I have analyzed after watching this movie.
Basically, this movie covers the pressure that the students of higher education are facing because of high end expectation from their parents, colleges and faculties. One of the important issues covered in this movie is student’s suicide due to pressure and failure in fulfilling the expectations. As such kind of incidents are not good for the society, country and families.

India is a young country and youths are the trend setters for any nation. It is a matter of concern for all of us and we must look into this issue seriously. This kind of incidents also affects us directly or indirectly as we all are part of this system. Thus, we need to think and bring some dynamic and revolutionary changes in the education system of the country. This movie seems to me like a real life case study about Indian Higher Education System.

The movie enlightens the drawbacks of current education system. As it clearly shows that how students of higher education are forced to perform best in their exams to achieve good marks, which will get them a highly paid jobs in top most companies around the globe. According to current system we teach our youngsters that Life is a race and to be successful you have to run faster and leave others behind. In this race they start using shortcuts and other means to get success just like the character “CHATUR” in the movie.

In this race, everybody in the system misses or skips the importance of knowledge and its practical usability in life and work. The gist of this movie is that instead of running behind degree and marks, we should focus on getting knowledge and developing skills through knowledge. This will develop excellence in students and make them eligible to do their work more effectively and efficiently.

The movie ‘3 Idiots’ also teaches us some lessons which I have classified into following categories

1. Lesson for Students
2. Lesson for Parents
3. Lesson for Faculty
4. Lesson for Colleges

1. Lesson for Students

a. Students should believe in knowledge, as knowledge will develop excellence in them, which will further lead them towards success.

b. They should understand the fact that there is no shortcut to success. The only road to success is hard work and knowledge.

c. Don’t be worried about the result while studying or doing any work. Just believe in your work, as the result depends on your work but not on your worries.

d. While choosing your career, instead of running behind money and glamour, choose that career which interests you more and for which you are more passionate.

e. Always share your thoughts and interests with you parents and try to convince them positively. Do not create pressure on them by doing negative activities if they are not convinced.

f. Study to gain knowledge not just to get a degree. If you will study to get degree you will not get knowledge, but if you will study to gain knowledge you will also get degree along with it.

g. Suicide is not the solution of any problem, but it is running away from the problem.

2. Lesson for Parents

a. Parents should discuss with their children about their interests, aims and objectives.

b. They should not be forced to do what their parents want them to do, instead they should be motivated to choose career of their interest.

c. Parents need to create a friendly environment at home, so that their children should be able to share their ideas and thoughts anytime.

3. Lesson for Faculties

a. Faculties should become mentors to students instead of just being a teacher.

b. Teach the students practical applicability of the theoretical concepts.

c. Try to develop innovation and creativity in students by discussing more and more about cases, situations and concepts.

d. Use student friendly tools and techniques to teach them.

e. Instead of forcing students, motivate them to do things by showing them benefits of it.

4. Lesson for Colleges

a. Colleges need to develop environment which provides knowledge to students.

b. They also need to create healthy competition among students towards attaining knowledge.

c. The overall focus of academic activities in a college should be towards development of creativity and ability in their students.

d. College administration should not force students to adapt system but they should be motivated to do so.

Source by Arun Mishra

06 Apr

Investing in Science – Why Life Science Real Estate Is Exploding

The previous decade saw explosive growth in the life sciences sector of commercial real estate. These are companies that are involved in medical research and new technologies development.

Some prominent examples that may come to mind are biotech firms or pharmaceutical firms.

Considerable amounts of capital have been and continue to be invested in this space, driving a surge of medical research expansion focusing on new technologies and medication involving DNA and mRNA, stem cell research, and more.

Exciting new technologies have emerged which have reignited excitement in the scientific community, such as artificial intelligence and new breakthroughs in cell and gene therapies.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought increased attention from the general public to a sector of the economy that was undergoing a rapid expansion.

As soon as we invest in life sciences real estate, we should also remember that developing or investing in multifamily real estate in proximity to life science facilities can be highly profitable.

For instance, an area with a pharmaceutical firm’s headquarters will be able to charge higher rents than surrounding areas due to bringing higher quality tenants both directly and through tangential businesses. This is good for all businesses in the surrounding area- from grocery stores, gyms, malls, and healthcare services.

We are residential pros who target multifamily, but a number of our Class A developments are square in the”line of progress,” surrounded by life sciences infrastructure and employers.


Real estate aimed towards life science companies include a lab space for conducting physical experiments as well as a workplace component.

As technology has advanced, the share of your typical life science center devoted to workplace has improved.

Scientists and researchers now spend increasingly large amounts of time with highly advanced computer modeling applications for many pieces of their study that previously was unavailable.

As a consequence of these tendencies, these facilities today tend to have slightly more office space compared to laboratory space.

The talk of lab space may be shrinking as computers play a larger role in study, but it does not mean it is an afterthought into the businesses. On the contrary, the laboratory spaces in demand now are more sophisticated and cutting edge than as highly specialized areas of study are being pursued.

Like all flex real estate, life science facilities need flexibility and adaptability. As distinct research fields are pursued over time, lab space might have to be repurposed, expanded, or relocated to different regions of the facility.

Buildings that allow for this type of adaptability have been in high demand by life science companies that want to stay for years and may go through several distinct phases of research. There is no point in developing space that can’t be adapted as the company grows.

Demand has continued to outstrip supply within this sector and it’s showed no signs of slowing down any time soon. Listed below are a few reasons why you should consider adding a investment into life sciences real estate in your portfolio:

1. Funding

As the old saying goes,”follow the money.”

They provide grants to scientific research and have awarded over $100 billion these grants in the past five decades. Additionally, Cushman & Wakefield released a report a year ago that showed very good growth over the last decade, together with venture capital investments in the sector growing from $3.7 billion to $17.4 billion.

The report also found that, between 2012 to 2019, paying research and development from life science companies increased by 40%. A similar report from CBRE concurred, finding that venture capital funds flowing into the life science field are up 40 percent from where they were a decade ago.

2. Growth:

Our development firm got started in Boston, Massachusetts, which is currently rated as the number one marketplace for life sciences by several sources.

We saw up front the enormous growth of the local economy driven by the life sciences sector, which spilled out to a demand for newer, higher excellent housing, lodging, and other new industrial investments (visit our Demand Cleaners for Real Estate Explained post for more information).

This rapid expansion saw an already robust backbone of 9.6 million square feet of life sciences commercial real estate expand into 18 million square feet now, according to CoStar.

These trends are being observed throughout the nation as venture capital funds and grants embolden those businesses to seek increasingly more usable space for their research needs.

There’s also some level of delayed-onset growth occurring due to the timely nature involved in exploring and creating new technologies and treatments. Funding which has been brought in over the course of the past decade led originally to R&D that’s just now beginning to bear fruit. The push for a vaccine following the outbreak of this COVID pandemic reveal indicators of the kind of muscle these businesses have started to flex following years of continuous progress.

Another lesson that the COVID pandemic has educated the business is the demand for bringing the supply chain back home.

Overreliance on foreign links in the supply chain caused problems and created uncertainty throughout the pandemic and companies want to prevent this by onshoring, even though this incurs added costs.

This tendency will present an opportunity for the new evolution of warehouse and storage facilities for all these supply chains.

3. Vacancy Rate:

When compared with traditional office commercial real estate, lifestyle science has roughly half the vacancy rate, at 9 percent, when considering a national average. Strong markets like Boston and San Francisco saw exceptionally low rates of 4 percent and 2%, respectively, annually. It will take many years before the supply of new life science facilities can begin to keep pace with the current demand.

4. Jobs:

In a report released by Cushman & Wakefield, it was discovered that life science job growth has risen by 7.5% annually because 2013. This is an incredible increase when compared to previous twenty year period, when job growth in this sector was 1% annually. Still another indication the life sciences real estate is in a fantastic position, as employment development indicators are usually a number of the strongest clues of stable expansion.

5. New Markets:

Even though Boston, Seattle, San Diego, and San Francisco would be the superstars in the life science globe today, the business is growing rapidly and this has started to and will continue to drive growth into new markets. The major life science markets of today all have a higher cost of living which make it harder for employee and employer alike.

This really is driving a push into new markets, including Philadelphia, Maryland, and North Carolina, to mention a few. Areas with a strong backbone of research-based university(ies) and an educated population will be in a solid position to welcome new life science firms in their market.

To learn more about investing in multifamily real estate, visit our article library:


Source by Nicholas Earls