Tag: <span>Fun</span>

03 Mar

Free Teaching Resources Make Mathematics Fun on Interactive Whiteboards

Interactive whiteboards allow students to actually interact with the subject matter that is being presented and you’ll find that there are many great touch screen dynamics available that make them helpful for teaching math. Whiteboards are used with a computer and projector and put the images from a desktop onto the wall where they can be manipulated by touch or by using a pointer. When used along with free teaching resources whiteboards can make a huge difference in a math class.

When using these resources along with an interactive whiteboard, suddenly number is a subject that is more hands-on for students. Instead of being a concept that they can’t see, they are now able to see and touch the concept. Everyday ways of using math can be displayed with the whiteboard so they have both an auditory and a visual example of what is going on and why the information is important. The more senses engaged during learning, the more likely students are to retain the information that is being taught.

There is a large selection of free teaching resources available for math teachers. On the web there are many mathematical specific options that can be implemented into the classroom. Along with these resources, PowerPoint is a huge help as well. With this program you are able to create lessons, graphs to help illustrate lessons. Graphs that are in 3D are perfect for teaching math. With interactive whiteboards you can make simple 3D graphs come to life, changing them when things occur to illustrate what is happening.

You’ll also find that interactive whiteboards are perfect when you want to play games in the classroom. There are many great math games that help to illustrate tough concepts. Pupils are able to better understand the concepts with games and activities that make them use the material that they have learned. Not only can you use games that you find online, but you can easily create games of your own to play or to stretch advanced students they can create their own mathematical games, a great way to get the most out of pupil’s abilities and free teaching resources!

Source by Thomas Radcliff

12 May

Fun, Games and Math

What is your opinion of math? Math, you say? What do I care about math? I had to take it in school, but I am beyond that now. Math no longer applies to my life. On the other side of the coin, there are those that find math to be exciting, exhilarating, and the time of their lives. It does apply to their lives and they can’t wait to use it. This second opinion, however, is the minority. Most people find that math is work. It is confusing, complicated and totally unnecessary. Is this you? The problem with this kind of thinking is that it isn’t true. Math is necessary, from the simplest addition and subtraction to more difficult geometry and physics. Math applies to life and we cannot live without it.

So, with that established, where do we go from here? If math is dull, boring and tedious, how can it matter? Well, the truth is, it doesn’t have to be. Math can be fun, exciting and something to look forward to. How? How can math possibly be fun? Well, have you ever played a game? Sure, you have. Was it fun? Of course it was. Would you ever like to play another game again? If the answer is, “Yes”, then I have hope for you when it comes to math. There are games out there that are just as much fun and teach you all you need to know to succeed in math. Have you ever played Dominoes or Hangman? Have you ever played cards or board games? I know a way to adapt these well-known games to math, and I know a great many more games that do the same thing. You will find yourself having so much fun that you will wonder where the time has gone.

For games that not only will teach you to succeed in math, but will have you having so much fun that you don’t even realize that you are learning, go to:

Source by Lisa Laird